You know you’re a big deal when you get featured on the Today Show. So, we have to wish a huge congratulations to for their feature on the Today Show on June 25th!

Lifestyle expert Elizabeth Mayhew presented a four and a half minute segment on the Today Show on June 25th featuring a wide range of ideas of fun and free things to do with your kids in the summer. As a parent, you know when you kids are home things can be rough: they are constantly complaining they are bored, eating everything they can put their hands on, and you feel like money is flying out of your wallet to try to keep them entertained. The information in this short feature will help you avoid all three problems at once! was one of the first three things mentioned for free things for kids to do in the summer, along with (a similar program for bowling) and free movies at your local movie theaters (programs vary). Signing your kids up for will also get the two free games of bowling at a local bowling center. Our local movie theater, Carmike Cinemas Movies 278 offers free movies on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10 am. Doors open at 9:15 and if you bring a canned good you get a free small popcorn.

Make sure that you’re taking advantage of all of the free things to do with your kids this summer! Sign up for with Sparkles Kennesaw and you’ll get two passed delivered right to your email inbox each week. See you soon!

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