Ready to beat the competition? Skate faster than all of your buddies? First, you’ve got to have some skill, second, you’ve got to have a great pair of roller skates! Sparkles Kennesaw has thought long and hard, looked at all of our pro shop inventory, and picked the top three quad speed skates for you!
Hybrid by Riedell Hybrid by Riedell. 796 boot with nylon thrust plate and Radar speed wheels. Leather boot with mid ankle height. Can choose color of the logo and wheels. Great for speed and rink/session skating. Retail $199
Rock GT-50 Rock GT-50 boot with Clawz wheels. Leather boot with nylon plate and premium Clawz wheels. Comes in black or white with your choice of wheel color or choose rainbow wheels! These wheels can be used both indoor and outdoor and it does not affect the skating floor to use these wheels both indoor and outdoor! Very popular, extremely comfortable. Fits low-mid ankle and wears like a tennis shoe. Very durable. Retail $129
R3 by Riedell R3 by Riedell. Leather boot, low-mid ankle. Thrust Nylon plate, Radar speed wheels. Very comfortable and affordable. Comes in black or white but only 2 color wheel choices. Retail $125.
Ready to skate so fast your friends will never be able to keep up? Come on out so Sparkles Kennesaw to stop by our pro shop and try on a pair of these skate for size and speed.