March BOGO Coupons Are Here!!
What exciting things happen in March: March Madness, Daylight Savings Time Begins, St. Patrick’s Day, National Frozen Food Month, National Pig Day, Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day, National Bubble Week, Red Cross Month, Ear Muff Day.. we could go on, but do you know what is the best thing about March 2013? Sparkles Kennesaw has a new coupon, and […]
What to Consider When Buying Skates
So you’ve become one of Sparkles Kennesaw‘s regulars – you come skate with us at least three times a week, you know all of our staff’s names, and you have it written down on your calendar to print out our new coupons each month. You have become a true roller skater and its time for you […]
Fun For Every Age in the Playzone
Sparkles Family Fun Centers have activities for every kid in your family – from the littlest ones, to the ones that never want to grow up! For your older family members, you already know about our skating rink and probably our arcade as well, but did you know that we have a Playzone for kids […]
Presidential Skate on President’s Day!
Presidents Day is just a day you get off from work and school – right? Wrong. Presidents Day is intended to recognize all of the American presidents, primarily George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and the contributions they made to our country. The holiday was established in 1968 when the 90th Congress determined to create a […]