It can be tough to keep up with toddlers. They seem to have endless energy and don’t slow down even when the summer temperatures climb. Well, parents, worry no more–it’s almost time for another Tiny Tots date at Sparkles Kennesaw! Monday, June 12th from 10 am to 1 pm, kids 5 years old and younger can enjoy specially-sized fun with our bounce house, rainbow parachute, playground, arts and crafts, and, of course, skating rink. Beat the heat and give young kids a safe place to play, explore, and move! Tiny Tots skating days are a great morning of supervised fun both parents and toddlers can enjoy and still be home in time for naps. 

Tiny Tots skating for toddlers June 12thKids who stay active are stronger, healthier, and happier, and have a lower chance of developing health problems like diabetes and heart disease later in life. Burning off all that extra energy also helps toddlers sleep better at night. Activity is good for their health and wellbeing, and all that is good for parents looking for peace of mind and summer activities that are safe, fun, and affordable. It’s never too early to encourage kids to like to move!

*Ride-on toys and bikes with training wheels are welcome, but please no motorized toys.

Tiny Tots Summer Activities

Monday, June 12th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Admission is $5 per child, or $8 per child including lunch. No outside food or drink allowed.

There’s always something happening at Sparkles Kennesaw. Be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on all our events for toddlers, kids, families, and even adults!


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